I am very sorry friends I was away for too long but for now I am back. I love rainy seasons so many intresting foods recipes home remedies and reading discussions debates and intresting facts features will be part of my blogging adventure. My favourite tv show Satyamev Jayate is available on tv and it features lot intresting facts stories realities and social evils discussed and remedies to fight such evils is shown please support such shows which shows the mirror to society I feel it should be our resposibility to change society and spread the message of no tolerence to soial evil and old rudimentry customs and traditions which is destroying communities society and human race doesnt need such orthodox views customs in the 21st century. This year should be dedicated to the girl childs and implentations of her rights and infant and female mortality rates is increasing due want for a son which is most pathetic in a socety which worships female gods in all forms and discriminates girls in their own homes. I believe all educated persons should come forward and fight against such social evils like female infanticide, dowry, sati, rape, molestations, eve-teasing, bride burning, domestic violence and all other inequality against women in whole Indian society. I am sorry to say that a study in UK showed that India ranks among the worst countrie to be born a girl child where women are not safe from the time they are conceived till they grow up.